por Miguel | Oct 20, 2017 | wlst
Using this script I’ve extended its functionality to list all the JMS resources which are: List all JMS Modules: cmo.getJMSSystemResources() JMS Submodules List all Connection Factories: .getConnectionFactories() List all Distributed Topics: distTopic.getName()...
por Miguel | Oct 11, 2017 | wlst
This one is quite simple, here’s a script to list all the persistent file stores from a weblogic using WLST. With ls() you can list all the tree and get an property from it using get(). How to use this script: <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/soa/common/bin/wlst.sh...
por Miguel | Oct 11, 2017 | wlst
I wanted to retreive all the information from weblogic datasources using WLST such as: Name JNDI Name Connection Pool parameters: URL Driver Class Name Properties passed to the JDBC Driver SetStreamAsBlob Initial Capacity Maximum Capacity I’ve written a script...
por Miguel | Ago 28, 2017 | wlst
Basically we must obtain a list of sca_ resources deployed in our servers, some of them are clusters, although some use different IP/Ports the tool keeps the same. The main document can be found here in the Oracle webiste. Basically, there are two main functions to...