Grep not parsing the whole file because of NUL

Grep not parsing the whole file because of NUL

Today  I’ve found a nice problem to solve in stack overflow. There was this guy claiming why unix utility grep didn’t parse this file in his Linux. Long story short the file was being somehow «recognized» as binary for grep, because it had four NUL values....
Grep not parsing the whole file because of NUL

Bash: Round up floating numbers

I’ve found two easy ways to round up «ceiling» float numbers with bash. Simply add «0.5» to your floating number and use printf: myfloating=$(echo «14.1129312938+0.5» | bc ) printf ‘%0.f’ $myfloating 15 Or use awk: $myfloating=14.1 echo «$myfloating»...
Grep not parsing the whole file because of NUL

Copy /etc/hosts with scp from multiple servers with cygwin

This one was easy, first create a file (hosts_ip.txt) with the IP of each server to get its /etc/hosts: Generate a private/public pair key and add the public one in authorized_keys of each server : # generate...
Grep not parsing the whole file because of NUL

Logging a bash script

Hoy leí un artículo muy interesante para crear el log de la ejecución de un script en bash. Existen muchos métodos, tales como bash -x, script (utilidad) o la famosa redirección «>>».Este particularmente utiliza exec. Simplemente basta con agregar al inicio de...