This one is quite simple, here’s a script to list all the persistent file stores from a weblogic using WLST. With ls() you can list all the tree and get an property from it using get().
How to use this script:
<MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/soa/common/bin/ <ENV> <DOMAIN>
#miguel.ortiz import sys,os,re environment = sys.argv[1] domain = sys.argv[2] hostUser = 'READONLY_USER' hostPass = 'readonly_pass' # you need to provide two parameters, environment and domain if environment == '' or domain == '' : print 'este script requiere (2) parametros, Ambiente y Dominio' # if the environment is QAM if environment == 'QAM' : hostIP = '172.x.x.x' if domain == 'SYNC': hostPort = '8001' fsPath = '/f1/stores/filestore/SYNC/' if domain == 'ASYNC': hostPort = '8002' fsPath = '/f1/stores/filestore/ASYNC/' if domain == 'RSYNC': hostPort = '8003' fsPath = '/f1/stores/filestore/RSYNC/' # If my environment is Production if environment == 'PROD' : hostIP = '172.x.x.x' if domain == 'SYNC': hostPort = '8001' fsPath = '/d1/stores/filestore/SYNC/' if domain == 'ASYNC': hostPort = '8002' fsPath = '/d1/stores/filestore/ASYNC/' if domain == 'RSYNC': hostPort = '8003' fsPath = '/d1/stores/filestore/RSYNC/' # Connect to the host connect( hostUser , hostPass , 't3://' + hostIP + ':' + hostPort ) # redirect the stdout to get a clean output redirect('file','false') fileStore = ls('FileStores') fileStore = fileStore.replace('dr--','') listFileStores = fileStore.split() for fsName in listFileStores : fileStoreName = get('FileStores/' + fsName + '/Name') stopRedirect() print str(fileStoreName) +';' + str(fsPath)