Running bash scripts using udev rules

Running bash scripts using udev rules

I’ve been playing with udev rules for a couple of days and I’ve been quite interested in the capabilities it offers. I highly recommend this two documents: Udev Rules examples How to write udev rules This guide reflects the whole process from connecting...
Determine if a string is a panagram with python

Determine if a string is a panagram with python

A pangram is a sentence that contains every single letter of the alphabet at least once. For example, the sentence «The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog» is a pangram, because it uses the letters A-Z at least once (case is irrelevant). I’ve designed this...
Determine if a string is a panagram with python

Find missing number in sequence with python

This code snippet is designed to find the missing number in a sequence of integers with python 2.7. I’ve tested it with several lists in python which are commented at the start of the script. #!/usb/bin/python #miguel.ortiz #s=[-1, -4, -7, -10, -13, -16, -19,...
UIC TS890 and PP791

UIC TS890 and PP791

Making it work with Linux Well, both devices have their own operative system (Linux) inside. An alternative (the one we are using currently) is to connect the UIC device via USB cable to a Linux host. The device will be recognized as /dev/ttyACM0 (read about Abstract...
NPM behind corporate firewall, working!

NPM behind corporate firewall, working!

So I was trying to install «nativefier» (a software developed on top of ElectronJS) to make any website a desktop application. Because I was behind a corporate firewall I had some troubles making npm work: mortiz@alberta:~/Documents$ npm install nativefier -g npm ERR!...


Today I’ve installed Mantis 2.13.1 in my Debian 9. When the install process ended this error appeared: APPLICATION ERROR #2900 For security reasons MantisBT will not operate when $g_crypto_master_salt is not specified correctly in config_inc.php or is shorter...