Failed to start light display manager

Failed to start light display manager

When cloning a Linux image with Clonezilla on  my HP 1040 g3 notebook I had to deal with the problem of lightdm not starting, the cloning process worked fine with several notebook models, except that one. Bloody hell of errors with lightdm: xhost: unable to open...
Rewrite rules para WordPress

Rewrite rules para WordPress

A veces necesito realizar cambios en las reglas de apache para wordpress y siempre me olvido de cómo lo hice, así que aquí dejo documentado las últimas que he utilizado para reusarlas cuando las necesite. Para utilizarlas solo basta agregarlas en el archivo .htaccess...
Medir clics en enlaces externos con Google Analytics

Medir clics en enlaces externos con Google Analytics

Una tarea común para quienes trabajamos con la web es configurar analytics, aunque a veces necesitamos algo más específico como realizar mediciones de los enlaces en nuestro sitio a otros sitios web. La configuración más básica es agregar el siguiente snippet de...
Dealing with printing, margins, mm, pts, inches and more

Dealing with printing, margins, mm, pts, inches and more

Ah, the old art of printing stuff in paper is still something nowadays. From time to time I must setup printers (yeah, several models of: Oki, Lexmark and HP) to print bank checks in a A5 pre-formatted paper. It sounds easy at first, you setup the printer trays with...

Escribir una aplicación básica con Flask

Creando los directorios iniciales y prerequisitos Primero creo un directorio (APIS) donde ordenadamente trabajaré los proyectos de API REST: mortiz@florida:~/Documents/projects/python/APIS/ Y dentro del directorio APIS el nuevo proyecto a desarrollar, que al ser el...
bash: flask: command not found with Flask 1.0.2

bash: flask: command not found with Flask 1.0.2

Verify you are installing flask for your correct python version inside your virtual environment. I’ve came across the problem: bash: flask: command not found And the first StackOverflow answer was: Flask 0.10 has no flask command, it was added in 0.11. But my...
Clonezilla automated install from pendrive

Clonezilla automated install from pendrive

Clonezilla is a great tool to backup or restore any computer, it will use partimage to clone your real or virtual hard drive into an image or vice versa. It has available several protocols or options: disk-to-disk (hard drive to hard drive, usb to hard drive, hard...
Debugging problems in the boot process

Debugging problems in the boot process

Today our custom Linux wasn’t being loaded from PXE as usual, instead, we were stuck at «initramfs». Current Scenario: Loading Linux Lubuntu 16_04 via PXE Hardware: ThinClient HP-T630 No local disks where used in the process, the whole O.S is loaded in RAM....