There are some products as x2go and FreeNX (which isn’t longer available) that were designed to provide Remote Desktops to users. A month ago I was required to setup NoMachine (the paid version of FreeNX) also known as «!M or NX».  In this document I leave the configuration of the product, administration commands and knowledge I’ve acquired in order to make it work.

NoMachine Terminal Server (cluster and multinode environment)

Basically your remote desktop client will be «NX CLIENT» that can be installed in both, Linux or Windows.

In this infrastructure model we have:

  • Two terminal servers acting as a cluster (One Primary and one Secondary)
    • The NX Clients will be connected to the T.S, in this model you aren’t able to connect to the nodes directly (there are other ways of configuring NoMachine to allow this but not in cluster mode.)
  • Several Nodes were the session of the clients will be created
    • Those nodes are balanced automatically by the NX Terminal Servers (default is round robin)
  • A remote desktop (were the client will be connected and will start a graphical interface)
  • A computer/laptop/RaspberryPi  that acts as client

When a fail-over occurs

When you shutdown, reboot or for some reason your primary server (where your clients are connected in first place) dies, the NX Client will automatically reconnect to the secondary server. It will take sometime to do it (less than a minute or the time you setup in the cluster options) and a new session will be established against our Secondary Server.

In this scenario, because we had enabled the session persistence we were able to recover our previous session with all the applications opened.

Here is the main guide to setup the cluster from the NX Team.

To consider (if you enable the session persistence) this setting must be applied on server.cfg on both NX Terminal Servers:

EnablePersistentSession all

#DisablePersistentSession "all"

# on server.cfg

No Machine Administration commands

# --------------------------------------------- SERVICE
nxserver --restart # Restart the service
nxserver --stop # Stop receiving new connections
nxserver --start # Enable receiving new connections
nxserver --shutdown # Stops the service
nxserver --shutdown --startmode manual # If we shutdown the whole server decide if NX starts manually or automatically

#------------------------------------------------ EXPLORATORY
# Listing the rules
nxserver --rulelist --system

#Listing configuration
nxserver --resourcelist --class feature

# Listing sessions
nxserver --list

# Enable specific node for balancing:
nxserver --nodeedit THISNODE1:4000 --load-balancing yes

# Adding Nodes to NX Terminal Server
nxserver --ruleadd --class feature --type enable-guest --value no --system

# Adding labels to nodes
nxserver –nodeedit <nodename> –label “<some text>”

# Disable manual selection of nodes (from the NX Client)
nxserver --ruleadd --class feature --type enable-guest --value no --system

#Enable manual selecion of nodes (from the NX Client) but for certain group
nxserver --ruleadd --class feature --type manual-node-selection --value yes --group <GROUP>
#----------------------------------------------- GUEST
# Enable guest users
nxserver --ruleadd --class feature --type enable-guest --value no --system

#----------------------------------------------- GROUPS AND USERS
# Add group
nxserver --groupadd <GROUP>

# Add user to group
nxserver --useradd <USERNAME> --group <GROUP>

NoMachine Cluster multinode environment server.cfg

Be careful, inline comments are not available in this configuration file, that would lead to errors, for example:

some setting # My comment

Would be an error. The product may not start or act erratically. This is an example of my configuration server.cfg for a Terminal Server in cluster with multinode environment and session persistence, have in mind that cluster configuration isn’t stored in this file, for that refer to this guide.

#                                                                    #
#  Copyright (c) 2001, 2018 NoMachine,     #
#                                                                    #
#  All rights reserved.                                              #
#                                                                    #

# Configuration file format version.
ConfigFileVersion 4.0

# Set the log level of NX Server. NX Server logs to the syslog all
# the events that are <= to the level specified below, according to
# the following convention:
# KERN_ERR         3: Error condition.
# KERN_INFO        6: Informational.
# KERN_DEBUG       7: Debug-level messages.
# Note that NX Server uses level 6 in the syslog to log the event.
# This is intended to override settings on the local syslog configur-
# ation that would prevent the event from being actually logged.
# The suggested values are:
# 6: This is the default value. Only the important events
#    are logged.
# 7: Sets logs to level debug.
#SessionLogLevel 6
SessionLogLevel 7

# Point the server to log to a specific file. The default log file is
# /Library/Application Support/NoMachine/var/log/nxserver.log on Mac
# OS X, %PROGRAMDATA%/NoMachine/var/log/nxserver.log on Windows and
# /usr/NX/var/log/nxserver.log on Linux. 
#SystemLogFile /usr/NX/var/log/nxserver.log

# Set how often NoMachine must check for updates on the repository.
# Default value, 172800 seconds, allow to check once every two days.
# To disable check for updates, set this key to 0.
UpdateFrequency 0

# Specify the TCP port where the NX service is listening.
#NXPort 4000

# Enable support for NAT-PMP and UPnP networking protocols to redirect
# a port from server side to allow end-users to connect to the server
# through a firewall. Accepted values are:
# NX:   Redirect port of the nxd service.
# SSH:  Redirect port of the SSH server.
# HTTP: Redirect port of the HTTP server.
# none: Do not redirect port. Connections via NX, SSH or HTTP
#       protocol are possible only if NoMachine host and user's
#       machine are on the same LAN or server has a public IP.
EnableUPnP none

# Specify the port where the NX service will be redirected using NAT-
# PMP or UPnP to allow end-users to connect to the server through a
# firewall.
#NXUPnPPort ""

# Specify the port where the SSHD service will be redirected using
# NAT-PMP or UPnP to allow end-users to connect to the server through
# a firewall.
#SSHDUPnPPort ""

# Specify the port where the HTTP service will be redirected using
# NAT-PMP or UPnP to allow end-users to connect to the server through
# a firewall.
#HTTPUPnPPort ""

# Specify a port range, in the form of minport-maxport, to use UDP
# communication for multimedia data. Alternatively, specify a comma-
# separated list of ports or a single port. In this last case, only
# one connection will be able to use UDP at any given time. As a note,
# the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) suggests the range
# 49152 to 65535 for dynamic or private ports.
#UDPPort 4011-4999

# Specify the TCP port where the SSHD daemon is listening on the NX
# Server host machine.
#SSHDPort 22

# Set the base display number for NX sessions.
#DisplayBase 1001

# Set the maximum number of displays reserved for NX sessions.
DisplayLimit 5000

# Set the maximum number of concurrent connections.
ConnectionsLimit 5000

# Specify the maximum number of concurrent connections that can be
# run by a single user.
ConnectionsUserLimit 1

# Set the maximum number of concurrent virtual desktops.
VirtualDesktopsLimit 5000 

# Specify the maximum number of concurrent Linux virtual desktops
# that can be run by a single user. By default a user can run as
# many virtual desktops as they are allowed on the server. By setting
# this value to 1, user has to terminate their disconnected virtual
# desktop before starting a new one.
VirtualDesktopsUserLimit 1

# Set for how long NX Server will retain data related to terminated
# sessions in its session history.
# <0: Never delete data from NX session history.
#  0: Disable NX sessions history.
# >0: Keep data in session history for this amount
#     of seconds.
# The default value, 2592000 seconds, lets NX Server keep session data
# for 30 days.
SessionHistory 259200

# Allow NX Server to terminate oldest disconnected sessions:
# 1: Enabled. Enable the automatic kill of the disconnected
#    sessions.
# 0: Disabled. Disconnected sessions are never terminated.
# When this option is set and the maximum number of concurrent sessions
# has been reached, the server will kill the oldest disconnected sessions to
# make room for the new session.
EnableAutokillSessions 1

# Configure the NX Server behavior when the maximum number of allowed
# connections is reached. An already connected user can be asked to
# accept or refuse to disconnect to make room for the incoming user
# (this is the default), or can be automatically disconnected or
# never disconnected.
# 0: Disabled. The server prompts the connected user to accept or
#    refuse to disconnect for making room for the incoming user. If
#    no choice is made, the user is automatically disconnected.
# 1: Enabled. The server automatically disconnects the connected user
#    to make room for the connecting user. No message is issued to
#    the already connected user.
# 2: None. The server prompts the connected user to accept or
#    refuse to disconnect for making room for the incoming user. If
#    no choice is made, the server doesn't disconnect the user and
#    advise the incoming user that the maximum number of allowed
#    connections is reached.
# 3: Silent. The server never notifies desktop owners about incoming
#    users, incoming users are informed that the maximum number of
#    allowed connections is reached.
AutomaticDisconnection 3

# Enable persistent sessions for users. If the option is followed by
# the keyword 'all', all users are allowed to run persistent sessions.
# Alternatively, it can be followed by a list of comma-separated user-
# names. The default value is 'all' which corresponds to enabling
# persistent sessions for all users. Values specified are overridden
# by the value set for the 'DisablePersistentSession' key.
EnablePersistentSession all

# Disable persistent sessions for users. If the option is followed by
# the keyword 'all', no user is allowed to run persistent sessions. Al-
# ternatively, the option can be followed by a list of comma-separated
# usernames. The default value is the empty string which corresponds
# to disabling persistent sessions for no user. The values specified
# override the values set for the 'EnablePersistentSession' key.
#DisablePersistentSession "all"

# Enable or disable clipboard:
# client: The content copied on the client can be pasted inside the
#         NX session.
# server: The content copied inside the NX session can be pasted
#         on the client.
# both:   The copy&paste operations are allowed between both the
#         client and the NX session and vice versa.
# none:   The copy&paste operations between the client and the NX
#         session are never allowed.
#EnableClipboard both

# Enable or disable NX users DB:
# 1: Enabled. Only users listed in NX users DB can login to the NX
#    server.
# 0: Disabled. All the authenticated users can login.
# If the NX user DB is disabled, any user providing a valid password
# from local DB or through SSHD authentication, can connect to the NX
# system. This is likely to be the default when SSHD authentication
# with PAM is enabled.
#EnableUserDB 0

# Enable or disable NX password DB:
# 1: Enabled. Use NX password DB to authenticate users.
# 0: Disabled. Use SSHD + PAM authentication.
# System administrators can enable a restricted set of users to con-
# nect to NX Server by setting EnableUserDB to 1 and adding
# those users to the DB. If user is enabled to connect, his/her pass-
# word will be verified against the current PAM settings by the SSHD
# daemon.
# If both 'EnableUserDB' and 'EnablePasswordDB' are set to 0, any
# user being authenticated by SSHD account will be enabled to connect
# to the system.
EnablePasswordDB 0

# Specify policies as a comma-separated list of options to tune the
# behaviour of clients 4 or higher and restore behaviors typical of
# version 3.x. Options accept value 1 (enabled) and 0 (disabled).
# This is the list of the available options:
# autocreate=1   run a new virtual desktop automatically when the ses-
#                sion type is pre-defined in the player configuration.
# autoconnect=1  reconnect automatically the user's virtual desktop.
# automigrate=1  don't connect to a virtual desktop when there is a
#                a user already connected but disconnect and reconnect
#                the session on the new side (session migration).
# desktop=1      list all desktop types set in the AvailableSessionTypes
#                key.
# dialog=1       display the disconnect/terminate dialog.
#ConnectPolicy autocreate=1,autoconnect=1,automigrate=1,desktop=0,dialog=0

# Enable or disable starting the NoMachine HTTP server. If enabled,
# the server will be started automatically at every reboot.
# 1: Automatic. Enable automatic starting of the HTTP server.
# 0: Manual. Disable automatic starting of the HTTP server.
#    The server can be started manually.
#StartHTTPDaemon Automatic

# Enable or disable starting the NX service. If enabled, the service
# will be started automatically at every reboot.
# 1: Automatic. Enable automatic starting of the NX server.
# 0: Manual. Disable automatic starting of the NX server.
#    The server can be started manually.
#StartNXDaemon Automatic

# Enable or disable starting the NX service on Windows. If enabled,
# the SSH server will be started automatically at every reboot.
# 1: Automatic. Enable automatic starting of the SSH server.
# 0: Manual. Disable automatic starting of the SSH server.
#    The server can be started manually.
#StartSSHDaemon Automatic

# Specify how clients will have to contact the node, by default by
# the NX service. To allow for multiple methods, specify them in a
# comma-separated list. Supported methods are: NX, SSH and HTTP.
ClientConnectionMethods NX,SSH,HTTP

# Specify a list of comma-separated 'hostname:port' values for XDM
# server.

# Enable or disable the XDM round robin query:
# 1: Enabled. Let NX Server decide XDM host according to hostnames
#    that are defined in the RoundRobinXdmList key.
# 0: Disabled.
#EnableRoundRobinXdmQuery 1

# Enable or disable the XDM indirect query:
# 1: Enabled. Let the user obtain a list of available XDM hosts.
# 0: Disabled.
#EnableIndirectXdmQuery 0

# Enable or disable the XDM direct query:
# 1: Enabled. Let client specify XDM host.
# 0: Disabled.
#EnableDirectXdmQuery 0

# Enable or disable the XDM broadcast query:
# 1: Enabled. Let client connect to the first responding XDM host.
# 0: Disabled.
#EnableBroadcastXdmQuery 0

# Specify the algorithm to be used for selecting the node. Accepted
# values are: 'round-robin' for selecting the node according to the
# round robin algorithm and 'custom' to use a custom load-balancing
# algorithm as specified in the NodeSelectionScript key. Otherwise
# set 'load-average' to select the node according to the load average
# of each node. Default is to use a weighted round-robin algorithm.
#LoadBalancingAlgorithm round-robin

# Specify path and name to the script providing the load-balancing al-
# gorithm.
#NodeSelectionScript ""

# Specify path and name of the command 'sessreg' for managing utmp and
# wtmp entries for non-init clients.
#CommandSessreg /usr/X11/bin/sessreg

# Specify the location and name of the SSH authorized keys file.
SSHAuthorizedKeys authorized_keys

# Accept or refuse the client connection if SSHD does not export
# the 'SSH_CONNECTION' and 'SSH_CLIENT' variables in the environment
# passed to the NX Server.
# 1: Refuse. Check the remote IP and do not accept the connection if it
#    can't be determined.
# 0: Accept. Check the remote IP and accept the connection even if the
#    remote IP is not provided.
#SSHDCheckIP 0

# Specify the base username to be used by NX Server to create guest
# users accounts. The server will add a progressive number to the
# name specified by GuestName, according to the range of values set
# in the BaseGuestUserId and GuestUserIdLimit keys.
#GuestName guest

# Set the base User Identifier (UID) number for NX guest users.
#BaseGuestUserId 10

# Set the maximum User Identifier (UID) number reserved for NX guest
# users.
#GuestUserIdLimit 200

# Set the Group Identifier (GID) for NX guest users. The specified
# GID must already exist on the system.
#GuestUserGroup ""

# Set the maximum number of concurrent NX guest users.
#GuestUserLimit 10

# Set the maximum number of NX sessions a NX guest user can run before
# his/her account is terminated.
#GuestUserConnectionLimit 5

# Set for how long NX Server has to retain NX guest users accounts.
#  0: NX guest users accounts are never removed.
# >0: Maintain NX guest users accounts for this amount
#     of seconds.
# The default value, 2592000 seconds, lets NX Server keep guest users
# accounts for 30 days.
#GuestUserAccountExpiry 2592000

# Set for how long NX Server has to keep alive a NX guest user's
# session. When the time has expired, NX Server will kill the session.
#  0: NX guest user session is never terminated.
# >0: Keep NX guest user session live for this number
#     of seconds.
#GuestConnectionExpiry 0

# Enable or disable possibility for NX guest users to disconnect their
# sessions:
# 1: Enabled. NX Server lets NX guest users disconnect sessions.
# 0: Disabled.
#GuestUserAllowDisconnect 1

# Set the home directory for NX guest users. Provide an empty value
# between double quotes to let NX Server create the guest user's home
# in the default directory set on the system.
#GuestUserHome /home

# Enable or disable removing the NX guest user from the system when the
# account is expired:
# 1: Enabled. When the guest account is expired, NX Server will
#    delete the account from both the system and the NX guests DB
#    and will remove the home directory.
# 0: Disabled. When the guest account is expired, NX Server will
#    keep the guest account on the system but will forbid this user
#    to start new sessions on the server.
#EnableGuestWipeout 1

# Allow the server to set disk quota for the NX guest accounts:
# 1: Enabled. When a new guest account is created on the system,
#    the server will set the disk quota for this user.
# 0: Disabled. No restrictions on the amount of disk space used
#    by each guest user are applied.
#EnableGuestQuota 0

# Specify the username of the account to be used as a prototype for
# propagating its disk quota settings to all the new guest accounts.
# If the softlimit or the hardlimit on either the inode or the disk
# block are set, they will override the settings applied to the user
# prototype.
#GuestQuotaProtoname protoguest

# Specify the maximum amount of disk space available for each of the
# guest users, checked as number of inodes. This limit can be exceeded
# for the grace period.
#GuestQuotaInodeSoftlimit 0

# Specify the absolute maximum amount of disk space available for
# each of the guest users, checked as number of inodes. Once this
# limit is reached, no further disk space can be used.
#GuestQuotaInodeHardlimit 0

# Specify the maximum amount of disk space available for each of the
# guest users, checked as number of disk blocks consumed. This limit
# can be exceeded for the grace period.
#GuestQuotaBlockSoftlimit 0

# Specify the absolute maximum amount of disk space available for each
# of the guest users, checked as number of disk blocks consumed. Once
# this limit is reached, no further disk space can be used.
#GuestQuotaBlockHardlimit 0

# Specify the grace period, expressed in seconds, during which the
# soft limit, set in the GuestQuotaInodeSoftlimit key may be
# exceeded.
#GuestQuotaInodeGracePeriod 0

# Specify the grace period, expressed in seconds, during which the
# soft limit, set in the GuestQuotaBlockSoftlimit key may be
# exceeded.
#GuestQuotaBlockGracePeriod 0

# Specify a list of comma-separated filesystem names or devices to
# which the disk quota restrictions will be applied. The default
# value is 'all' which corresponds to applying the disk quota limits
# to all the filesystems having disk quota enabled.
#GuestQuotaFilesystems all

# Set the User Identifier (UID) number for NX users. If an empty value
# is specified, the NX Server will create the account with the default
# value set on the system.
#UserId ""

# Set the Group Identifier (GID) for NX users. If an empty value is
# specified, NX Server will create the account with the default
# value set on the system.
#UserGroup ""

# Set the home directory for NX users. If an empty value is specified,
# NX Server will create the user's home in the default directory
# set on the system.
#UserHome ""

# Allow the user to connect to a virtual desktop:
# 1: Enabled. Each user can request to connect to a
#    virtual desktop.
# 0: Disabled. Connections to a virtual desktop are
#    forbidden.
VirtualDesktopSharing 0

# Set the interaction level for the session connected to a virtual
# desktop:
# 0: View-only. The session is connected to the desktop in
#    view-only mode, i.e. the user can't interact with the
#    virtual desktop.
# 1: Restricted. User connected to the virtual desktop can
#    interact with the desktop except for resize operations.
# 2: Interactive. User connected to the virtual desktop has
#    full interaction with the desktop.
#VirtualDesktopMode 2

# Enable or disable NX Server requesting authorization to the owner of
# the virtual desktop before connecting.
# 1: Enabled. NX Server asks for authorization to the owner
#    of the virtual desktop before trying to connect.
# 0: Disabled. NX Server tries to connect to the virtual
#    desktop without the need for any authorization from the
#    desktop's owner.
VirtualDesktopAuthorization 0

# Allow the user to connect to the physical desktop:
# 0: Disabled. Connections to the physical desktop are
#    forbidden.
# 1: Enabled. Each user can request to connect to the
#    physical desktop.
# 2: Restricted. Only the administrator and trusted users
#    can connect to the physical desktop.
PhysicalDesktopSharing 0

# Set the interaction level for the session connected to the physical
# desktop:
# 0: View-only. The session is connected to the desktop in
#    view-only mode, i.e. the user can't interact with the
#    physical desktop.
# 1: Restricted. User connected to the physical desktop can
#    interact with the desktop except for resize operations.
# 2: Interactive. User connected to the physical desktop has
#    full interaction with the desktop.
#PhysicalDesktopMode 2

# Enable or disable NX Server requesting authorization to the owner of
# the physical desktop before connecting.
# 1: Enabled. NX Server asks for authorization to the owner
#    of the physical desktop before trying to connect.
# 0: Disabled. NX Server tries to connect to the physical
#    desktop without the need for any authorization from the
#    desktop's owner.
#PhysicalDesktopAuthorization 1

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the user logs in. The script can accept remote IP of the user's
# machine as its input.
# E.g. UserScriptBeforeLogin /tmp/nxscript/
#UserScriptBeforeLogin ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# the user logs in. The script can accept username as its input.
UserScriptAfterLogin "/usr/local/bin/genCfgNomachine"

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session start-up. The script can accept session ID, username,
# node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionStart ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session start-up. The script can accept session ID, username, node
# host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionStart ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session is closed. The script can accept session ID, username,
# node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionClose ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session is closed. The script can accept session ID, username, node
# host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionClose ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session is reconnected. The script can accept session ID user-
# name, node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionReconnect ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after the
# session is reconnected. The script can accept session ID username
# node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionReconnect ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# the session is disconnected. The script can accept session ID, user-
# name, node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionDisconnect ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# the session is disconnected. The script can accept session ID, user-
# name, node host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionDisconnect ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# session failure. The script can accept session ID username, node
# host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeSessionFailure ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# session failure. The script can accept session ID username, node
# host and node port as its input.
#UserScriptAfterSessionFailure ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# NX Server creates the new account. The script can accept username
# as its input.
#UserScriptBeforeCreateUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# NX Server has created the new account. The script can accept user-
# name as its input.
#UserScriptAfterCreateUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# NX Server removes the account. The script can accept username as
# its input.
#UserScriptBeforeDeleteUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# NX Server has removed the account. The script can accept username
# as its input.
#UserScriptAfterDeleteUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# NX Server disables the user. The script can accept username as its
# input.
#UserScriptBeforeDisableUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# NX Server has disabled the user. The script can accept username
# as its input.
#UserScriptAfterDisableUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed before
# NX Server enables the user. The script can accept username as its
# input.
#UserScriptBeforeEnableUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the custom script to be executed after
# NX Server has enabled the user. The script can accept username
# as its input.
#UserScriptAfterEnableUser ""

# Specify absolute path of the script to be executed before
# the server daemon is started.
#ScriptBeforeServerDaemonStart ""

# Specify absolute path of the script to be executed after
# the server daemon is started.
#ScriptAfterServerDaemonStart ""

# Specify absolute path of the script to be executed before
# the server daemon is stopped.
#ScriptBeforeServerDaemonStop ""

# Specify absolute path of the script to be executed after
# the server daemon is stopped.
#ScriptAfterServerDaemonStop ""

# Allow the root user (or Administrator on a Windows machine) to
# run NX sessions.
# 1: Enabled. Allow an NX user to run sessions as user with
#    administrative rights.
# 0: Disabled. NX Server forbids an NX user to log in as user
#    having administrative privileges.
EnableAdministratorLogin 1

# Specify path to the SSH client.
#SSHClient /usr/bin/ssh

# Enable or disable broadcasting the required information to let
# other computers discover this host on the local network.
# 1: Enabled. Other computers on the local network can find
#    this host machine.
# 0: Disabled. This computer cannot be found on the local
#    network but it's still reachable by providing its IP
#    or hostname.
EnableNetworkBroadcast 0

# Specify a list of comma-separated session types available on this
# server.
AvailableSessionTypes unix-remote,unix-console,unix-default,unix-application,physical-desktop,shadow,unix-xsession-default,unix-xdm

# Specify how the node process is run.
# 1: Noshell. Execute script to run the node process directly.
# 0: Shellmode. Execute script to run the node process by
#    invoking the bash shell.
#RunNodeMode 0

# Enable the server to automatically configure the firewall for all
# the configured services. On platforms that don't support adding
# the specific executables to a white list, the needed ports are
# added at server startup and removed at server shutdown, or when,
# at run-time, a new port is needed. The default value is 1.
# 1: Enabled. NoMachine opens the required ports in the firewall.
# 0: Disabled. Firewall must be configured manually. By default
#    the required ports are TCP ports 4000 for NX, 4080 and 4443
#    for HTTP and UDP ports in the range 4011-4999 range.
#EnableFirewallConfiguration 1

# Enable or disable logging to the system log file, e.g. syslog
# on UNIX based systems and Events log on Windows platforms.
# 1: Enabled. The webplayer and webclient applications will log.
#    to the system log file.
# 0: Disabled. This is the default value, webplayer and webclient
#    will log to the file specified in the SystemLogFile key.
#EnableSyslogSupport 0

# Set for how long the server has to keep alive virtual desktops in
# status disconnected. When the time is expired, the server will
# terminate virtual desktops if no user are connected there.
#  0: Virtual desktops in status disconnected are never terminated.
#     This is the default.
# >0: Keep Disconnected session alive for this number
#     of seconds.
DisconnectedSessionExpiry 1

# Enable or disable NoMachine server checking at start up the status
# of the Windows Net Logon service.
# 1: Enabled. The server will delay its start up until Net Logon is
#    up and running. This is required when the NoMachine server host
#    is an ActiveDirectory client. If Net Logon fails to start, No-
#    Machine server will be not available on this host and the start
#    up procedure will report an error.
# 0: Disabled. NoMachine server will start without verifying if Net
#    Logon is up and running. This is the default setting.
#NetLogonDependency 0

# Set for how long the server will wait for the authentication phase
# to be completed on the system. By default timeout is set to 30
# seconds. Increase this value when the authentication process on
# the system takes longer. This setting applies also to two-factor
# authentication.
AuthorizationTimeout 60

# Enable or disable the automatic creation of an X11 display when no
# X servers are running on this host (e.g. headless machine) to let
# users connect to the desktop. This setting applies to NoMachine
# servers not supporting virtual desktops and permits to have one
# single display.
# 1: Enabled. NoMachine will create automatically the new display at
#    server startup. This setting has to be used in conjunction with
#    'DisplayOwner' and 'DisplayGeometry'.
# 0: Disabled. NoMachine will prompt the user for creating the new
#    display. This is the default.
#CreateDisplay 0

# When 'CreateDisplay' is enabled, specify the display owner and let
# NoMachine create the new display without querying the user. If the
# server supports only one concurrent connection, the connecting user
# must be the display owner set in this key.
#DisplayOwner ""

# When 'CreateDisplay' is enabled, specify the resolution of the new
# desktop in the WxH format. Default is 800x600.
DisplayGeometry 1024x768

# Enable or disable support for Kerberos ticket-based authentication 
# for connections by NX protocol.
# 1: Enabled. Kerberos ticket-based authentication is supported when 
#    users connect by the NX protocol.
# 0: Disabled. Kerberos ticket-based authentication is not supported 
#    for connections by NX protocol. This is the default.
#EnableNXKerberosAuthentication 0

# Set for how long the server will wait for the kerberos response
# from kerberos kdc server. By default timeout is set to 10 seconds.
# Increase this value when the authentication process on the system
# takes longer.
#NXKerberosAuthenticationTimeout 10

# Set the maximum size for the Kerberos authentication request, by 
# default 1048576 bytes.
#NXKerberosRequestLimit 1048576

# Enable or disable support for Kerberos ticket forwarding to the 
# remote node when the user didn't authenticate with Kerberos, but 
# their Kerberos ticket is already available on the server system.
# This key applies to a multi-node environment only and it's di-
# sabled by default 
# 1: Enabled. User's Kerberos ticket already available on the 
# NoMachine server system will be forwarded to the remote node 
# where the user's session is started.
# 0: Disabled. User's Kerberos ticket will not be forwarded to the 
# remote node where the user's session is started.
#EnableNXKerberosForwardingToRemote 0

# Blanking the physical screen of the machine when somebody connects.
# 1: Enabled. The physical screen of this machine is blanked and the
#    local user cannot interact with the desktop while somebody is
#    connected.
# 0: Disabled. The physical desktop of this machine is not blanked
#    when somebody is connected. All operations made from the remote
#    user are visible to the local user and the local user can interact
#    with the desktop. This is the default.
#EnableScreenBlanking 0

# Activate the system lock screen when the NoMachine user disconnects
# from the physical display.
# 1: Enabled. When the user disconnects, the physical screen of this
#    host will be locked.
# 0: Disabled. When the user disconnects, the screen state will not
#    change. This is the default.
#EnableLockScreen 0

# Enable or disable support for SSL client authentication in the NX
# service.
# 1: Enabled. The NX service, nxd, uses the client side certificate
#    to validate the connecting client against a list of allowed
#    clients. Only clients owning a certificate valid for this NX
#    service can authenticate with this method.
# 0: Disabled. Authentication by using a client side certificate
#    is not possible.
# This option applies to connections by NX protocol only and it's
# disabled by default.
#EnableNXClientAuthentication 0

# Specify how clients will have to authenticate to the server, by
# default all the available methods are supported. This corresponds
# to value all. To specify a subset of methods use a comma-separated
# list.
# Supported methods for connections by NX protocol are:
# NX-password   : Password authentication.
# NX-private-key: Key-based authentication.
# NX-kerberos   : Kerberos ticket-based authentication.
# Supported method for connections by SSH protocol is:
# SSH-system    : All methods supported for the system login.
#                 SSH authentication methods for the system login
#                 have to be set on the system for example in the
#                 PAM configuration.
# For example:
# AcceptedAuthenticationMethods NX-private-key,SSH-system
# This key has to be used in conjunction with ClientConnectionMethod.
# See also the EnableNXClientAuthentication key for enabling SSL
# client authentication for connections by NX protocol.
#AcceptedAuthenticationMethods all

# Configure behavior of the NoMachine menu to be displayed inside the
# session: hide the welcome panels shown at session startup, prevent
# users from changing settings or use specific services. Default is
# 'all', welcome panels are shown and the menu can be used without
# restrictions. Set this key to 'none' for hiding both welcome panels
# and the NoMachine menu (clicking on the page peel or pressing ctrl+
# alt+0 will not open it). Give a comma-separated list of values to
# indicate which items should be made available to users.
# Available values for client and web sessions are: welcome,input,
# display,display-mode,display-settings,connection. Client sessions
# support also: devices,devices-disk,devices-printer,devices-usb,
# devices-network,devices-smartcard,audio,audio-settings,mic,mic-
# settings,recording. For web sessions instead it's possible to set
# also: keyboard,clipboard.
#ClientMenuConfiguration all

#  Enable or disable users to store their access credentials on their
#  devices when they connect via NoMachine client or in the browser's
#  cookie in case of web sessions.  Accepted values are:
#  player:    Allow only users connected via NoMachine client to save
#             username and password in their connection file.
#  webplayer: Allow only users connected via web to store username and
#             password in the browser's cookies, if enabled.
#  both:      Users connected via client or via web can always choose to
#             store their credentials.
#  none:      Do not permit users to save their username and password.
#             Users will be requested to insert their credentials at
#             each new connection via NoMachine client or web.
#EnableClientCredentialsStoring both

# Enable or disable strict GSSAPI host credential check for Kerberos
# authentication. When enabled, authentication is done against the
# host service on the current hostname. If disabled, authentication
# is done against any requested service key stored in the keytab file.
# 1: Enabled. Kerberos authentication is made strictly against hostname
# host service. This is the default.
# 0: Disabled. Allow relaxed GSSAPI host credential check, and make
# possible to authenticate against GSSAPI host service with a
# different name than hostname.
#NXGSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck 1

# Enable or disable this server accepting direct connections to its
# IP or hostname when it's federated in a multi-server environment.
# 1: Enabled. Users are allowed to connect to this NoMachine server.
# 0: Disabled. Users have to connect to the main server ruling the
# multi-host environment in order to reach this server.
#EnableServerRole 1

# Set the log level of NoMachine Web Player. Web Player logs all events
# that are <= to the level specified below, according to the following
# convention:
# KERN_ERR         3: Error condition.
# KERN_INFO        6: Informational.
# KERN_DEBUG       7: Debug-level messages.
# The suggested values are:
# 6: Default value. Only relevant events are logged.
# 7: Set the log level to debug.
#WebSessionLogLevel 6
WebSessionLogLevel 7

# Specify user name of NoMachine HTTP Server owner.
#ApacheUname nxhtd

# Specify group name of NoMachine HTTP Server owner.
#ApacheGname nxhtd

# Allow NoMachine HTTP Server to serve content of Web Player applica-
# tion.
# 1: Enabled. Users can access the Web Player application.
# 0: Disabled. The Web Player application is not accessible.
#EnableWebPlayer 1

# Specify the absolute path for the Web Player graphic interface and
# for storing session images generated by the X11 agent.
#WebDirPath /usr/NX/share/htdocs/nxwebplayer

# Make Web Player request user credentials to connect to the server
# or try to connect automatically as a guest user on the server:
# 1: Enabled. Web Player tries to log-in to server as a guest
#    without the need for user intervention. Server must support
#    the automatic generation of guest accounts and have this
#    functionality enabled.
# 0: Disabled. Web Player prompts the user asking for access
#    credentials to log-in to server. Users can provide either
#    their username and password or to try to log-in as a guest
#    if the server supports it.
#EnableWebGuest 0

# Show the tutorial wizard for the menu panel at session startup.
# 1: Enabled. Display the tutorial screenshots.
# 0: Disabled. Do not show the tutorial.
EnableWebMenuTutorial 0

# Make Web Player change connection name:
# 1: Enabled. Allows to have displayed name from Section "Server"
#    directive.
# 0: Disabled. Allows to see hostname of the server displayed.
#EnableWebConnectionName 0

# Specify the method to be used for browser-server communication. By
# default this keys is set to 'classic'. To use WebRTC technology
# set this key to 'classic,webrtc'. In this case HTML5 real-time
# communication will be used when the browser supports WebRTC and
# will fall back to the classic web media exchange protocol in case
# of browser not supporting WebRTC.
#AcceptedWebMethods classic,webrtc 

# Specify for how many seconds the automatically generated password
# must be valid. The default value is 60 seconds.
#OneTimePasswordValidityPeriod 60

# Specify the GUI language. Available languages are: English (default)
# French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.
# Users will be still able to change the language in the GUI.
#WebSessionLanguage English

# Specify the GUI theme, sunshine (default) or moonlight. Users will
# be still able to change GUI theme in the GUI..
#WebSessionTheme sunshine

# Specify the wave theme, red (default), light gray or dark gray.
# Users will be still able to change wave theme in the GUI.
#WebSessionWave red

# Enable or disable the debug tool when the server program is launched.
# 1: Enabled. The debug tool specified in the CommandDebug key will
#    be run to debug the server program. This can slow down the exe-
#    cution of the server.
# 0: Disabled. Debug tool is not run.
#EnableDebug 0

# Specify absolute path of the command to launch a debug tool.
#CommandDebug ""

# Specify path and commands of the debug tool in a comma-separated
# list, e.g. accepted command for Valgrind is '/usr/bin/valgrind.bin'.
#AcceptedDebuggerCommands /usr/bin/valgrind.bin

# Append arguments to the command used by the server to launch the
# debug tool
# Multiple parameters can be specified by separating them with a blank
# character. For security reasons, no shell interpretation is made.
#DebugOptions ""

# The Section directive allows to define settings for the server
# where the Web Player will connect. Edit lines below to define a
# server different from localhost. Protocol is by default 'NX' as
# well as port is '4000'. To use SSH service, specify 'system' to
# authorize with system password. In this case NoMachine uses by
# default port 4022 on Windows and port 22 on the other operating
# systems.
Section "Server"

Name "Connection to localhost"
Protocol NX
Port 4000


# When WebRTC is enabled, set parameters for STUN/TURN utilities to
# permit NAT traversal for peer to peer direct video, audio and data
# streaming. Replace 'hostname' and 'portnumber' with the ip or host
# name of the network server; replace 'username' and 'password' with
# username and password to be used for authenticating to such server.
# If a TURN server has to be contacted, duplicate section below, set
# it to Section "TURN" and provide the appropriate values for Host,
# Port, User and Password parameters. Define multiple sections for
# different STUN or TURN servers to provide an alternative server
# in case the first of the list is not reachable.
# Section "STUN"
# Host      hostname
# Port      portnumber
# User      username
# Password  password
# EndSection